Sunday, January 28, 2007


Hello my fellow BO-ers....

it's such a BEA-U-TIFUL sunday today! I really amazed at the things God has spoken to my heart and it would be selfish of me to keep it to myself.... sooo here is my blah of the day....

Today at Nazarene, Pastor Junior spoke about the Greatest Joy. And at one point, he talked about fear. He said " Do not fear life, but put our fear in a living God." It hit me to hard because it's so hard to continuously fear the Lord when we see the happenings of this world. It's so easy to get sucked into the worldly routine and worship God because it's a duty as opposed to truly worshipping Him. And especially when society imposes values, getting high marks in school to get a good career, etc., it's so hard to be hidden in God. And right now, i'm so bound with marks and success that freedom seems distant from me. But I know that our chains are broken because of Christ and freedom is freely given to me and you and everyone. It's just a matter of me stretching out myself to God's hands to grab hold of Him.

So if you are struggling fearing the world and life and being paralysed by it, be reminded that God has already freed us! Amen? AMEN!!!

Here is a section of "Freedom Reigns" by Jason Upton

Where the spirit of the Lord is
There is freedom
Where the spirit of the Lord is
There is freedom

Freedom reigns in this place
Showers of mercy and grace
Flowing from every face
There is FREEDOM!

Love, Janine


Jeffrey said...

haha...that is the second song that both Nazerene and West London sang today...i forgot which other one was sang by both churches...but it's such a cool coincidence!

God truely is working!!!

theresa :) said...

thanks for sharing janine! oh yes we are indeed sooo FREEE :D amen.

that's so cool WLAC sang it too!

Karen said...

Praise the Lord!! I'm really encouraged by your sharing and your passion for God.