Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ever feel like there is something you should share with others but when they ask you to share, you say you don't?

If you were at P&R's last Sunday, you would have heard Roger say that he's not going to use the "It's not for you, it's for me...and everyone else." phrase. I like that phrase because it's true. Yeah, I guess it could be misleading if he pauses for too long after the "me" but the phrase overall is right.

I've been told that I don't share much. When I look at myself from someone else's point of view, that is true. I really don't like talking much. I like being the silent type and listen to everyone else talk. I admire it when people learn so much from what God has taught them and share it with others. But I look at myself and see that I don't do the same. Selfish, it would be (yoda talk!).

I wonder, how come I don't share? Maybe the wrong questions are being asked? If someone asked me something really specific, I would reply with a good answer (I hope). But if the question was, "How was your week?" or "What are you thinking about?", I would say not much even though there are stuff floating around my head. *shrugs*

Hmm, I don't find my bible readings to be effective right now. Maybe I shouldn't be reading Pslams. Proverbs? I had a blast reading Romans even though I remember nothing. Suggestions?

Hope exams are treating you well and hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day with that special other, others or just themselves even! Or even better, spending it with God!

In Christ,


tiffany said...

Yeah Romans :) I'm reading that right now and it's been really really good. I'm glad you're sharing about not sharing (haha that sounds funny) only because I felt the same way until I got to university. But ya ... be open and vulnerable when it comes to sharing. It doesn't have to be extremely significant ... but what you say could really impact someone else. hopefully this blog will be good for that ... people START POSTING STUFF!!! :)

EldonMa said...

Haha I use the blog way out to share as well. I don't really like mass public sharing either. I always felt what I was dealing with was insignificant or I felt I didn't know the bible well enough and was scared to be biblically incorrect. You could say I felt I was too cool to share as well. I was one of the dudes that made fun of people that participated in class.

I don't know exactly what's hindering you from sharing, but I can assure you, it's a great way to learn and grow. I mean, I wouldn't know how to help you if you don't tell me what you need help with right? I would also like to share your joy if something great happens as well.

If you got questions just ask them. ACF is not meant for superficialness. If you're feeling like garbage, don't tell people "you're okay". Tell them you feel like crap and tell 'em why. If we're already at ACF/P&R/Whereever, we've already made a commitment to be there, you're not imposing on our time, and I personally would love to hear what a brother has to say.

As for bible readings, yeah it's better to read stuff that is more relevant to whatever you're dealing with. Haha I'm kinda bible stupid, so you'll have to ask someone else what you should be reading.

Christopher Luk said...

I like what Eldon said: you've already made the commitment and that step to be there and fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. You're there freely and willingly for a reason. Talk to us and let us know what's going on in Jeffworld :D