Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Beyonding Ourselves?

Hello bo-ers...

haha I just made a new verb: beyonding.... (going beyond)... well How was everyone's reading week? I just if you've joined this blog, it's either because you are part of Beyond Ourselves small group AND you want to share your opinions!! It's good to just read what others have taken the courage to share but like Rodger says, WHY KEEP EXPERIENCES GOD HAS GIVEN TO YOU TO YOURSELF?? It was just a wake up call for me and I'm just wanting to be honest before my brothers and sisters... it's hard to share, I know it and i'm many times not willing to share (which I become so guilty myself). I've just taken away MANY opportunities God has given me to bless others and what God gives us isn't only for ourselves, it's for everyone too!

And I just want to encourage you to encourage your fellow brothers and sisters. Some of you may be struggling in your walks with God, or juggling school, relationships, and other issues. But some of you are close with God. Nonetheless, the Bible tells us: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25

ANY relationships is NOT a one-way communication, it's 2 ways, three-ways, x-ways (haha MATH).... But seriously, don't always expect people to initiate the conversation or the talk. I know personalities can get in the way... I used to never talk but because of God, he opened my heart and my mouth to others and it has blessed me and many others. Continue praying to God for a deeper relationship with Him. It's a relationship, not a one-way traffic!

Think about it! It's a life-long process and I hope you are willing to put some effort in our small group, which will not only last for the next 2 months. I hope that we can continue to fellowship together even after school is finished!

ANDDDD by the way..... tiff or karen... when will be start beyonding ourselves? does anyone know where we can help in the community? WILL THERE BE IRON CHEF???? =)

God bless!

1 comment:

es said...

ah so this is our BO blog...i finally made it - and its everything i imagined :) haha. what u said here is so tru and i definitley wana be a part of it. im gona email jeff and get a renewed invite* or mebe he'll see this and send it to me again :)