Monday, February 5, 2007

we have a blog??

Hey BO!!

I appologize for not posting earlier :P I had no idea we had a blog haha. I found out at small group leader cell on saturday >_< my bad ... so much for being a good small group leader haha. Anyways I haven't had a chance to read the blog yet but I'm really glad we have this ... it's a great way to keep in touch with you guys and be UNITED!! WOOT!!!

A quick announcement ... I know right now people are heading into the midterm season so organizing a small group event now would probably not be good. However hopefully after reading week we can all get together and possible do an IRON CHEF thing at my house. Or better yet ... hopefully we can have a joint gathering with another small group and challenge them to some cooking lol. I think it'd be fun. But anyways I hope all is well with all of you. If there's anything we could pray for ... PLEASE post it! I'd love to hear from all of you :)

Take care and God bless you all this week.

Phil. 4:5-7 <-- good verse!!


theresa :) said...

ooOOo iron chef against another sg DOES sound really fun! let's do iit :D

are we also going to be doing some sort of outreach this semester.. going BEYOND OURSELVES?

Jeffrey said...

i agree! iron chef! sg vs sg!
who would be the judges?...can i be even tho i'm competing?

tiffany said...

we really need to do that ... or we aren't living up to our small group name haha. I'm going to talk to Jon about Ark Aid. Apparently he signed up ACF to do volunteer work there already so it'll be easy to organize.

Christopher Luk said...

Can people come crash and just eat? :p
I want to eat .. a LOT haha :D

Unknown said...

karina and ken's small group for kids who can't read good and wanna learn to do other things good too

will challenge you to an iron chef :|

EldonMa said...

You don't want none of Dyn Eq. We'll litterally serve YOUR ass on a platter :P