Monday, February 5, 2007

what a surprise

Hello my bo-ers....

Thank you JEFF for sharing! There has to be a reason why things happen to us! =) YES YES don't stop posting! Take the courage.... share with others the blessings and requests....

Well last week I was informed by the Western's Bookstore that i won something from the bookstore and they needed to take my pic! wow that was truly a surprise! So today i went to pick whatever I won.... and the person in charge was really really bubbly and excited about the prize.... Apparently it was a medical book (Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2007) and lots of medical students really want it.....

WOW it's crazy.... I've never won any draw before in my life and it may seem like chance or that I was lucky but I know there is a reason behind why this book is in my hands right now. I really don't know why.... and I don't want to guess why. I'll just let God reveal things slowly in His Will.

Speaking about God's will..... I've been wondering about this for quite some time. Does free will really exist? If God opens door and closes them, then doesn't it force us to go in His direction? I know that His path is definitely the best for our lives but can we choose which path to follow? And if we decide to follow God's will, will we ever have free will?

If anyone has insight! Share it! I'm pretty sure many people are thinking about it! =)

Have an awesome week everyone! Go beyond yourselves! Spread BO to others because we are contagious with God's love! Ask God for His LOVE and He would never ever hesitate to give it!

Much loooooooovvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee,

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

maybe God wants you to go into med, that's why u got the book...haha..

i had a good arguement for free will and predestination..but i can't remember!!..if i do, i'll tell it to you!...hey that rhymes..hahaha