Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Challenged and Healed by God

Before retreat I was spirtually dying and being consumed by the world. I was being consumed by worldly worries. Retreat was a blessing! God really CHALLENGED me. I've been struggling with finding a balance between being under my parents authority and doing what I need to do. As some of you may know, my parents are not Christians and its often a challenge being the only Christian at home. As Pastor phil said: expect conflict to come with glory. Should I stand up and defend who I believe in or should I hide to avoid conflict? I think I know the answer now. I've been so blessed again.

I've never really believed in healing prayers until God really showed me. I was really really sick on Monday with a fever of 103.4 and it seemed to be going up. I couldn't even figure out how to aim a spoon of congee into my mouth. I was so blessed that God brought a brother and sister to me that night and they were praying for me. Tuesday, I no longer had a fever. Prayers do work!!!

Lets continue to pray for unity in our small group. Lets continue to pray for openness, trust and God's guidance.

Pray without ceasing!! (don't know the verse number)
Psalm 118:24 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.



Swirlee said...

Yay Karen...I'm glad you're not that sick any more (you should really sleep earlier when you're sick you know, tsk tsk)

hahah you guys are so inspiring, cute, and funny all at different times and at the same time. Keep it up!

~no, I'm not in your small group. But I'm bored and blog-tracking at the library. *shhh* hahaaa


Christopher Luk said...

YAY KAREN! I'm so happy again that you got to go to Retreat! There were many of us praying for you just so you would be able to get to retreat :D w00t! And I'm glad to hear you were blessed this weekend too :D

Prayer totally does work! :D

Anonymous said...

Hey Karen!

I prayed too, and I recovered too! Yay! PTL!

All better and well!


J9 said...

Wowow everyone is sick! Stay strong karen. May the Lord strengthen you and don't let this sickness swallow you up! If you need anything just call us and we'll be right at your door!! HAHA