Monday, January 22, 2007

It's time to BLOG!

Come one, come all!

Upon request, our small group has started our own blog! Feel free to blog, small group members. Write whatever you want. Express yourself! Share! As Roger says, "What God gives to you is not for you alone. It is for me...and everyone else." I think that's how it goes anyways.

First post will be about....RETREAT!! Retreat was awesome and wish it wouldn't end but it has. There was snow, there was stars, there was worship and there was prayer! God was there as well! What else could you have asked for? Sad that not everyone in our small group could make it but there are still other chances next school year to go! Don't miss out on those ones.

Something I learned from retreat was how we need balance in our lives. If we don't have balance, our walk with God won't be straight anymore, but curved. I guess I have been struggling with balance a lot between school and God. Sometimes I spend too much time on school and sometimes I spend too much time on going to prayer meetings and other types of meetings. This has caused me to sway in both categories. So after the sermon by Pastor Phil and speaking to our counsellor Steven, I have finally realized I need to sacrifice things to gain other things. So please help me out by prayers if you can! Thanks in advance!

I encourage you all to blog as well if you have time. If you need prayer or if you need to share, this is a perfect place! ENJOY EVERYONE!

In Christ,
Jeff ( <-- my own blog if you want to check it out

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