Tuesday, January 23, 2007

hello BO! thanks janine for sending that email and getting things rolling! a small group blog is an awesome idea. but it will only work if everyone is willing to contribute. my campus challenge small group started a blog in the summer.. but now it's pretty dead because no one has contributed in a long time. so i encourage you all to post and share your thoughts and prayer requests! i will try to do the same as much as i can..

we had an awesome womens cell last night. sharing about what we learned and experienced at retreat.. went till pretty late. our longest wc ever haha. it was sooo good to hear what the Lord did in the hearts of my sisters. God's hand at work is sooo amazing. when you allow Him to speak to your heart and give Him control over your thoughts and actions.. you will be blessed so much more in return. God really reminded me again over the weekend that prayer is so powerful. a verse i really love in jeremiah..

Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13

it's so true!! never stop praying guys.. be fervent and expect the Lord to answer because He will!

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