Monday, March 12, 2007

Sorry BO!

Hey everyone!

How's everyone doing? I know it's been a long time since I've posted and I am REALLY sorry about that. I know there really is no excuse because we are ALL busy around now. I hope your reading week was fun and not full of reading :P I'd love to hear more about what you all did :)

Anyways, I really wanted to appologize for the lack of communication within our group and organizing events and such. I have emailed Jon about Ark Aid so hopefully he'll get back to me soon! I know Karen and I had hoped we could do more in terms of volunteering and stuff, but I guess as school progressed I haven't really made this small group a priority. I don't think it really hit me until I received an email about how there were only 3 ACF meetings left before finals came. I thought about all the things I had hoped we could do and all the things we actually did do and it was rather disappointing.

So ... on a brighter note, I think the Iron Chef idea is going to be good "end of the year" event. I think if we just did it amongst our own small group it would be easier to organize (we have lots of people and 2 small kitchens). So I'll send out an email for those who don't regularly check this blog and hopefully we can find a weekend where most of us are free.

God bless BO!

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Beyonding Ourselves?

Hello bo-ers...

haha I just made a new verb: beyonding.... (going beyond)... well How was everyone's reading week? I just if you've joined this blog, it's either because you are part of Beyond Ourselves small group AND you want to share your opinions!! It's good to just read what others have taken the courage to share but like Rodger says, WHY KEEP EXPERIENCES GOD HAS GIVEN TO YOU TO YOURSELF?? It was just a wake up call for me and I'm just wanting to be honest before my brothers and sisters... it's hard to share, I know it and i'm many times not willing to share (which I become so guilty myself). I've just taken away MANY opportunities God has given me to bless others and what God gives us isn't only for ourselves, it's for everyone too!

And I just want to encourage you to encourage your fellow brothers and sisters. Some of you may be struggling in your walks with God, or juggling school, relationships, and other issues. But some of you are close with God. Nonetheless, the Bible tells us: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25

ANY relationships is NOT a one-way communication, it's 2 ways, three-ways, x-ways (haha MATH).... But seriously, don't always expect people to initiate the conversation or the talk. I know personalities can get in the way... I used to never talk but because of God, he opened my heart and my mouth to others and it has blessed me and many others. Continue praying to God for a deeper relationship with Him. It's a relationship, not a one-way traffic!

Think about it! It's a life-long process and I hope you are willing to put some effort in our small group, which will not only last for the next 2 months. I hope that we can continue to fellowship together even after school is finished!

ANDDDD by the way..... tiff or karen... when will be start beyonding ourselves? does anyone know where we can help in the community? WILL THERE BE IRON CHEF???? =)

God bless!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Hey everyone!

Have you heard of lenting? I don't want to have a big blog explaining it so I'll let Wikipedia do the job, hahaha.

Okay, so now that you've read it. What are you going to lent? I know it's kind of late starting, but better late than never! I'm lenting gaming and anime. I'm not concerned about gaming since I don't game much anymore, but anime is going to be tough for me, hahaha. I'd love to know what everyone else is going to lent. It'll be good to know so then we can help each other if we ever feel like giving in to them.

Have a wonderful reading week!

In Christ,

Thursday, February 22, 2007

hey guys! i just finished my last midterm ..and i'm sooo happy reading week is here. time to relax and spend time doing things you ACTUALLY want to do.. woot!

i was planning to share something with you guys.. but now i totally forget what it is. i guess i'll respond to jeff's post. even tho it's been posted for awhile. haha sorry i'm slow.

jeff: i used to be sooo like you! and i still sort of am. not talking much.. likes to listen to others talk more. but i've learned throughout my years here.. if you don't step out in faith and share what the Lord has given you.. you are missing out on blessings others AND blessings for yourself. and about what you said about maybe the wrong questions are being asked.. i admit that i've been guilty of giving ppl dumb answers like "good" after they ask me "how was your week?". i guess it depends on the context of where i am and who i'm talking to if i'll be willing to open up more. but you know what.. i've also learned that sometimes.. you don't have to wait for ppl to ASK you.. you should just TELL THEM! God will give you opportunities.. and it's up to you if you're willing to be obedient and take them.

HEY i remember what i was gonna share with you guys now! it's something doreen shared with me the other day.

Jeremiah 17:7-8
7 "But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. 8 He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit."

i guess it's for ppl who are waiting to hear if they get into grad school/internship or whatever. it's about trusting in God no matter what happens. even if i don't get into OT and have to spend a year doing something else.. i can still bear fruit for the Lord in whatever i'm doing. and that's the most important thing.. keeping our eyes fixed on the Kingdom and things of eternal value :)

have an awesome reading week small group!

Sunday, February 18, 2007


hope you all have a wonderful day!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Ever feel like there is something you should share with others but when they ask you to share, you say you don't?

If you were at P&R's last Sunday, you would have heard Roger say that he's not going to use the "It's not for you, it's for me...and everyone else." phrase. I like that phrase because it's true. Yeah, I guess it could be misleading if he pauses for too long after the "me" but the phrase overall is right.

I've been told that I don't share much. When I look at myself from someone else's point of view, that is true. I really don't like talking much. I like being the silent type and listen to everyone else talk. I admire it when people learn so much from what God has taught them and share it with others. But I look at myself and see that I don't do the same. Selfish, it would be (yoda talk!).

I wonder, how come I don't share? Maybe the wrong questions are being asked? If someone asked me something really specific, I would reply with a good answer (I hope). But if the question was, "How was your week?" or "What are you thinking about?", I would say not much even though there are stuff floating around my head. *shrugs*

Hmm, I don't find my bible readings to be effective right now. Maybe I shouldn't be reading Pslams. Proverbs? I had a blast reading Romans even though I remember nothing. Suggestions?

Hope exams are treating you well and hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day with that special other, others or just themselves even! Or even better, spending it with God!

In Christ,

Saturday, February 10, 2007

A prayer for all of you ...

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for being so amazing and faithful. We are continually blessed by you Lord in so many ways whether they be gifts, peace, and even trials. I pray Lord that as we strive to be servants for you that we will constantly feel your presence in our lives. As we come into a period of midterms, assignment, and projects I just pray that you will be with us through the whole process, encouraging us to strive for the best that we can be for you Lord and that we may feel at peace knowing that the plans You have for us far exceed what we may think are the goals we have in school right now. Whether we do well or poorly, may You be exalted through it all ... we can take no credit for doing well Lord. Continue to remind us to be humble and selfless to you and others. Help us to remain in You God and keep You the center and focus of our lives in all that we do. Help us to feel stress-free as we write our exams and help give us good time management skills as we study hard. We know that whatever we ask for, in faith, You will grant us, so I just want to pray again for peace and wisdom Lord and comfort knowing that you are in control of everything. Thank you for your love and as we go on this week ... I pray that we will live lives worthy to be called Yours.

In Jesus' name I pray ... Amen.

Monday, February 5, 2007

we have a blog??

Hey BO!!

I appologize for not posting earlier :P I had no idea we had a blog haha. I found out at small group leader cell on saturday >_< my bad ... so much for being a good small group leader haha. Anyways I haven't had a chance to read the blog yet but I'm really glad we have this ... it's a great way to keep in touch with you guys and be UNITED!! WOOT!!!

A quick announcement ... I know right now people are heading into the midterm season so organizing a small group event now would probably not be good. However hopefully after reading week we can all get together and possible do an IRON CHEF thing at my house. Or better yet ... hopefully we can have a joint gathering with another small group and challenge them to some cooking lol. I think it'd be fun. But anyways I hope all is well with all of you. If there's anything we could pray for ... PLEASE post it! I'd love to hear from all of you :)

Take care and God bless you all this week.

Phil. 4:5-7 <-- good verse!!

what a surprise

Hello my bo-ers....

Thank you JEFF for sharing! There has to be a reason why things happen to us! =) YES YES don't stop posting! Take the courage.... share with others the blessings and requests....

Well last week I was informed by the Western's Bookstore that i won something from the bookstore and they needed to take my pic! wow that was truly a surprise! So today i went to pick whatever I won.... and the person in charge was really really bubbly and excited about the prize.... Apparently it was a medical book (Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2007) and lots of medical students really want it.....

WOW it's crazy.... I've never won any draw before in my life and it may seem like chance or that I was lucky but I know there is a reason behind why this book is in my hands right now. I really don't know why.... and I don't want to guess why. I'll just let God reveal things slowly in His Will.

Speaking about God's will..... I've been wondering about this for quite some time. Does free will really exist? If God opens door and closes them, then doesn't it force us to go in His direction? I know that His path is definitely the best for our lives but can we choose which path to follow? And if we decide to follow God's will, will we ever have free will?

If anyone has insight! Share it! I'm pretty sure many people are thinking about it! =)

Have an awesome week everyone! Go beyond yourselves! Spread BO to others because we are contagious with God's love! Ask God for His LOVE and He would never ever hesitate to give it!

Much loooooooovvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee,

Saturday, February 3, 2007

No more postings??

What happened to all the postings? C'mon people, post!

I'm not sure what to post about. Bible study on friday was good. Starting to enjoy inductive (i think that's what it's called) bible study. Probably because everyone gets to participate in some way. Nice to hear everyone's opinion of each paragraph, sentence, and word. So many different points of views. So great!

So school is finally starting to get on my nerves. All those rules and stuff. Need 3.0 modular credits completed by end of April to get into 3rd? Where did you come from??!! Yeah, as some of you know, I got screwed over. I dropped my Chemistry 223b and taking Biology 290 in the summer. By doing so, I kicked myself out of 3rd year BMSc. I was mad worried when I found this out. I was just like, "C'mon, there must be some way I can get in!" Obviously I couldn't do much about it now since it's already near the middle of the term. So who can help? God to the rescue!

No, I still don't have much of a chance of getting into 3rd year BMSc. But there is a SLIGHT chance. PTL! It's a lot better than no chance at all. There is still that tiny crack of light. Got to pray now that there is a spot for me by the end of the summer. Must work my butt off to get way better marks than first term.

Been giving up going to prayer meetings and missed men's cell for this. I better show some results or else I wasted blessings. But God is good, I will be guided in the right direction by Him for sure.

Hope none of you are in this situation as I am. Crazy complications. But good learning experience. What did I learn?
1. God is good and He will definitely pull you through tough times.
2. Go to all information sessions and know my programs and modules inside out.

In Christ,

Sunday, January 28, 2007


Hello my fellow BO-ers....

it's such a BEA-U-TIFUL sunday today! I really amazed at the things God has spoken to my heart and it would be selfish of me to keep it to myself.... sooo here is my blah of the day....

Today at Nazarene, Pastor Junior spoke about the Greatest Joy. And at one point, he talked about fear. He said " Do not fear life, but put our fear in a living God." It hit me to hard because it's so hard to continuously fear the Lord when we see the happenings of this world. It's so easy to get sucked into the worldly routine and worship God because it's a duty as opposed to truly worshipping Him. And especially when society imposes values, getting high marks in school to get a good career, etc., it's so hard to be hidden in God. And right now, i'm so bound with marks and success that freedom seems distant from me. But I know that our chains are broken because of Christ and freedom is freely given to me and you and everyone. It's just a matter of me stretching out myself to God's hands to grab hold of Him.

So if you are struggling fearing the world and life and being paralysed by it, be reminded that God has already freed us! Amen? AMEN!!!

Here is a section of "Freedom Reigns" by Jason Upton

Where the spirit of the Lord is
There is freedom
Where the spirit of the Lord is
There is freedom

Freedom reigns in this place
Showers of mercy and grace
Flowing from every face
There is FREEDOM!

Love, Janine

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Challenged and Healed by God

Before retreat I was spirtually dying and being consumed by the world. I was being consumed by worldly worries. Retreat was a blessing! God really CHALLENGED me. I've been struggling with finding a balance between being under my parents authority and doing what I need to do. As some of you may know, my parents are not Christians and its often a challenge being the only Christian at home. As Pastor phil said: expect conflict to come with glory. Should I stand up and defend who I believe in or should I hide to avoid conflict? I think I know the answer now. I've been so blessed again.

I've never really believed in healing prayers until God really showed me. I was really really sick on Monday with a fever of 103.4 and it seemed to be going up. I couldn't even figure out how to aim a spoon of congee into my mouth. I was so blessed that God brought a brother and sister to me that night and they were praying for me. Tuesday, I no longer had a fever. Prayers do work!!!

Lets continue to pray for unity in our small group. Lets continue to pray for openness, trust and God's guidance.

Pray without ceasing!! (don't know the verse number)
Psalm 118:24 This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.


Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Is it just me or .... ?

Hello everyone!

I don't know if it's just me... but is everyone getting sick? I have the flu (the doctor said that I'll be sick for a week and a bit)! And I know Tiff and Karen were feeling sick at the end of retreat! (Get better soon, my BO small group leaders -Hahahah Janine, you're so funny)

To everyone who is sick, I pray that you'll get well soon, it's totally not fun getting sick! But hey, at least you're not sick alone, you've got me. You've also got the Father looking out for you. Everyone get well soon! : )



haha it's me again.. it just occured to me...

Beyond ourselves = BO = Body odour...

You know when people's body odour is very distinct and spreads like crazy... It's like our vision for our small group... to be distinct, marked by Christ (have a lasting impression) and spread the Good News, God's love to others!



God is good! All the Time

yeahhhhh I can't wait to simply hear/read the praises and the struggles we are all facing.... man 1st year is tough but the Lord is really gracious and He's been blessing me, even to today! And I really do hope that you guys challenge your faith.... I've been challenging mine and I don't regret it at all!

Here something that I've been going through for some time and how God was faithful!

So when I was in high school, I served and was really active at church. And I really felt God, like He was alive and always looking after me. And He performed so many miracles in terms of getting last minute preparations done, getting school workload done with incredible marks (all glory goes to GOD), etc. etc. etc.

But after coming to Western, I questioned my faith. Does God really exist or was it principles and beliefs that I grew up during my childhood at church? So the past 5 months was a searching journey, looking through the Bible, asking questions, talking to people, reading my journal... I discovered that sometimes just "feeling God" isn't enough, we need to continuously feed on Him and just have FAITH. It's a simply word yet so hard to act on it. So I tried going back to the basics of Christianity, learning from the start, grow deeply in His Word.... but I still didn't experience God...

...and winter retreat came along. During the saturday night worship, where Pastor Phil asked people to just pray for our cups to overflow, I cried out in my heart for God to fill me with the Holy Spirit. I was desperate to hear God's voice again. Then suddenly my heart felt compelled to ask for prayer to 2 upper year girls sitting diagonal to me.... I thought that I could pray on my own and deal with this with God only! NOOOOOO the tugging continued.. "ok God, i'll go up to the girls and just ask them for a prayer"

So i went up to them, and suddenly, *kazaaaam* I started pouring out in tears... (side note: I almost never cry) and it just came down, never-ending. "why am I crying? I do not feel emotional nor do I feel hurt.... why am I crying?" So we continued praying and I felt sooo relieved, those tears were like burdens carried by God away from me... I felt light and could literally conquer the world.=)

It didn't occur to me until yesterday's women cell.... It just hit me that we aren't alone in our prayers. We do not need to pray by ourselves. Sometimes we need people to pray for us. They are used by God to open our eyes to our very inner being. After some reflection, this verse came up to me "so Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him." ~ Acts 12:5 WOW! There are people praying for you and don't be afraid to ask for it! God has freely given us the gift of free worship through Jesus Christ! Why not accept it?

This weekend has crazily changed my definition of prayer! It's a radical change and I just know that the Holy Spirit is strengthening me everyday and that He is doing awesome work through me!

So that's my schpill for now!

hello BO! thanks janine for sending that email and getting things rolling! a small group blog is an awesome idea. but it will only work if everyone is willing to contribute. my campus challenge small group started a blog in the summer.. but now it's pretty dead because no one has contributed in a long time. so i encourage you all to post and share your thoughts and prayer requests! i will try to do the same as much as i can..

we had an awesome womens cell last night. sharing about what we learned and experienced at retreat.. went till pretty late. our longest wc ever haha. it was sooo good to hear what the Lord did in the hearts of my sisters. God's hand at work is sooo amazing. when you allow Him to speak to your heart and give Him control over your thoughts and actions.. you will be blessed so much more in return. God really reminded me again over the weekend that prayer is so powerful. a verse i really love in jeremiah..

Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13

it's so true!! never stop praying guys.. be fervent and expect the Lord to answer because He will!

Monday, January 22, 2007

It's time to BLOG!

Come one, come all!

Upon request, our small group has started our own blog! Feel free to blog, small group members. Write whatever you want. Express yourself! Share! As Roger says, "What God gives to you is not for you alone. It is for me...and everyone else." I think that's how it goes anyways.

First post will be about....RETREAT!! Retreat was awesome and wish it wouldn't end but it has. There was snow, there was stars, there was worship and there was prayer! God was there as well! What else could you have asked for? Sad that not everyone in our small group could make it but there are still other chances next school year to go! Don't miss out on those ones.

Something I learned from retreat was how we need balance in our lives. If we don't have balance, our walk with God won't be straight anymore, but curved. I guess I have been struggling with balance a lot between school and God. Sometimes I spend too much time on school and sometimes I spend too much time on going to prayer meetings and other types of meetings. This has caused me to sway in both categories. So after the sermon by Pastor Phil and speaking to our counsellor Steven, I have finally realized I need to sacrifice things to gain other things. So please help me out by prayers if you can! Thanks in advance!

I encourage you all to blog as well if you have time. If you need prayer or if you need to share, this is a perfect place! ENJOY EVERYONE!

In Christ,
Jeff ( <-- my own blog if you want to check it out